Processing Blocks
1. argmax​
This proc-block returns indices of the max element of the array.
- Types
- Supported input types -
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
2. audio_float_conversion​
Many audio models take in an input of f32
. This proc-block convert our input
from an i16
data type to a floating-point value.
- Types
- Supported input types -
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
3. binary_classification​
A proc-block takes a probability (0.0 to 1.0) score as input and divides the output into two classes ( 0 or 1) based on a threshold. It returns 1 if the probability value is greater than the threshold otherwise, 0. This is useful in binary classification problems.
- Types
- Supported input types -
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
- args
- threshold - criteria to divide output into classes
4. fft​
This proc-block converts a signal from its original domain (often time or space) to a representation in the frequency domain.
- Types
- Supported input types -
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
- args
- Sample Rate - Sampling rate
- Bins - intervals between samples in frequency domain
- Window Overlap - Ratio of overlapped intervals.
5. image-normalization​
A normalization routine takes the image matrix as input and fits their values to the range [0, 1]
as f32
- Types
- Supported input types -
u8, u16, u32, i8, i16, i32
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
6. label​
A proc block, when given a set of indices, will return their associated labels.
- Types
- Supported input types -
u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
- args
- wordlist - Upload the wordlist in the
format with every label in different line.
- wordlist - Upload the wordlist in the
7. modulo​
As the same suggests, it returns the remainder of a division after one number is divided by another.
- Types
- Supported input types -
u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
8. most_confident_indices.​
A proc block which, when given a list of confidences, will return the indices of the top N most confident values.
- Types
- Supported input types -
u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
- args
- Count - number of classes with highest confidence you want as output
9. noise-filtering​
This proc-block perform a couple of functions:
- Reduces noise within each frequency bin (channel)
- Applies a gain control algorithm to each frequency bin (channel)
- Applies log2 function and scales the output.
It reduces noise and applies a gain control algorithm within each frequency bin.
- Types
- Supported input types -
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
10. normalize​
This proc-block normalizes the input to the range [0, 1]
- Types
- Supported input types -
u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
- args
- Count - number of classes with highest confidence you want as output
11. object_filter​
A proc-block which takes 3-d tensor [1, num_detection, detection_box(x, y, w, h) + confidence_scores + total_detection_classes]
and filter the detected objects to:
- remove duplicate detection for a single object
- remove the objects with low confidence based on a threshold
giving a 2-d tensor with dimension [*, 6]
(where * is the total number of detected objects and 6 -> [ x-coordinate, y-coordinate, h, w, confidence_value, label_index]
) as output. It is used in object detection models.
- Types
- Supported input types -
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
- args
- Threshold - remove the objects with confidence value below this threshold
12. parse​
A proc block that can parse a string to numbers. This proc-block could be helpful in doing non-ML tasks.
- Types
- Supported input types -
- Supported output types -
u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
- Supported input types -
13. segment_output​
A proc-block which takes a rank 4 tensor
as input, whose dimension is of this form [1, x, y, z]
. It will return:
a 2-d
after performing argmax along the axis-3 of the tensora 1-d
which aset
of all the numbers present in the above 2-dtensor
- Types
- Supported input types -
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
- Types
14. softmax​
This proc-block returns tensor after applying the softmax function over the array.
- Types
- Supported input types -
- Supported output types -
- Supported input types -
15. tokenizer​
A proc-block takes a passage and a question as input and gives us input_ids, input_masks, segment_ids as output which are then fed to the model. This is helpful in NLP models.
- Types
- Supported input types
- input-1 types -
- input-2 types -
- input-1 types -
- Supported output types
- output-1 types -
- output-2 types -
- output-3 types -
- output-3 types -
- output-1 types -
- Supported input types
16. text_extractor​
A proc-block takes start logits, end logits, and ASCII coded text and returns an output sentence (utf8 encoded) from start logit to ends logit.
- Types
- Supported input types
- input-1 types -
- input-2 types -
- input-3 types -
- input-1 types -
- Supported output types
- output-1 types -
- output-1 types -
- Supported input types