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Setup and Installation

If you just want to try out Rune without installing anything, head over to the tutorial for links to our online playground.

To use Rune, you will need the following:

  • the rune CLI tool - for building and running Runes from the command-line
  • the Rust toolchain - for doing the actual compiling to WebAssembly
  • The tinyverseml/rune-serve Docker image - lets you use your Rune from the Runic Mobile app without needing to upload to a registry

Rune tools work with the following systems:

  • Linux
  • MacOS
    • Note: it is not advised to use Rune on M1 devices. We have received several reports of M1 bugs in Docker and TensorFlow.
  • Windows (using WSL or the Docker images)

GitHub Releases​

Pre-compiled bundles containing the rune CLI tool and examples are available on our GitHub Releases page as the rune.$ asset, where $target is the target triple corresponding to your OS (e.g. x86_64-apple-darwin for x86 MacOS).

For those who like to live on the bleeding edge, our nightly release contains the same assets but automatically generated from master every 24 hours.

Once you have downloaded the pre-compiled bundles you will need to put the rune executable somewhere on your $PATH. Typically, this will be ~/bin or ~/.local/bin.

$ curl -L -O
$ unzip
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
$ cp rune ~/.local/bin/rune

As a security measure, when you download a program from the internet some operating systems will remove their executable flag. You may need to chmod the rune binary to make it executable.

$ chmod +x ~/.local/bin/rune
$ rune --version
rune 0.10.0


We have a docker image that comes with the rune CLI and Rust toolchain already installed.

$ docker pull tinyverseml/rune-cli
$ docker pull tinyverseml/rune-serve

Compile From Source​

The rune CLI tool can be installed using cargo install just like a normal Rust tool.

As well as requiring the Rust toolchain, the Rune project uses several native libraries so you will need to install the following build dependencies:

You can then install the Rune CLI from

$ cargo install hotg-rune-cli

Alternatively, if you want to live on the bleeding edge you can install it directly from [the GitHub repository][rune-repo] (either master or a tagged version):

$ cargo install --git hotg-rune-cli

$ cargo install --git hotg-rune-cli --rev v0.4.0

Compiling TensorFlow Lite from source can take quite a while, especially on less powerful machines, so do not panic if the build seems "stuck" at this stage:

building [=======================> ] 400/406: hotg-runecoral(build)