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Screenshot 2022-03-31 at 4 21 10 PM

This example shows how to train a 27 KB model that can recognize 6 keywords, “silence”, “unknown”, “up”, “down”, “left”, “right” from speech data. The CNN takes as input the int8 output of the spectrogram and gives a 4-element vector showing the probability predicted by the model for each of the outcomes.


It’s a simple CNN model with one convolution and one fully connected layer, implemented as a TFLite model with 8-bit quantized weights.

The model doesn't take in raw audio sample data. We need to implement the processing operations. Rather than passing in the time series data directly into the model, we will transform the audio data into an audio spectrogram representation. This will create a 2D representation of the audio signal’s frequency content over time. The input audio signal we will use will have a sampling rate of 16kHz, this means one second of audio will contain 16,000 samples. We will use the Short-time Fourier Transform proc-block to perform this step. Next, we need to reduce noise and apply a gain control algorithm within each frequency bin. So, we will use a Noise Filtering proc-block. The processed data is passed to the model and it will return a list of confidence values for each label. We will select the one with the highest confidence value. To do this, we will use Most Confident Indices. It will return the indices of the top N most confident values. We will find labels associated with this using the Label proc-block. So, we have 6 labels:

  1. silence
  2. unknown
  3. up
  4. down
  5. left
  6. right

You can also train the model by yourself on some different keywords. Here is the link to Colab notebook

Now we have gotten an overview of the ML pipeline. Let’s start building it:

  1. Drag the Sound Input and click on it to fill the arguments. First, fill the outputs Element Types to i16 and Dimensions to 16000. In the Properties, as discussed earlier we will take input audio at a sampling rate of 16kHz. The model takes 1-sec audio so set Sample Duration Ms to 1000 milliseconds.
  2. Drag Short-time Fourier Transform proc-block. Fill the Inputs the same as Sound Outputs. Scale the output to [0, 2^32] range (full range of the u32 type). The output will be a vector of 1960 u32 elements. Fill the properties accordingly.
  3. Drag Noise Filtering proc-block. It takes as input a 1960-element u32 slice and gives as output a 1960-element i8 slice.
  4. Next, we have the model in our pipeline. Connect Noise Filtering proc-block to model.
  5. We have got the output score for all six classes from our model. We want to find out which class has the highest score so that later we can print that class name as output. To get the index of class with the highest confidence value, we will use most_confident_indices proc-block.
  6. Till now, we have got an index of the most confident index. Next, we would like to assign a label to this index. For this, we will use the label proc-block. On the right-side panel, You can see the Upload button under the Properties section. You will have to upload a .txt file that contains labels for the model in the correct order. You can find the label file for this model here. Download this label file and upload it in the label proc-block.
  7. Connect the label proc-block node to the Output node.


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