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Lesson 3 - Multiple Inputs and Outputs

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In this lesson, we will build a complex rune that takes two ML models and deals with multiple input/output. Till now, we have built a relatively simple linear pipeline, but Rune's ability for abstraction really shines with more complex pipelines like Style Transfer. Let's start with taking a quick look at the Runefile.

image: runicos/base
version: 1

capability: IMAGE
- type: u8
dimensions: [1, 256, 256, 3]
source: 0
pixel-format: "@PixelFormat::RGB"
width: 256
height: 256
capability: IMAGE
- type: u8
dimensions: [1, 384, 384, 3]
source: 1
pixel-format: "@PixelFormat::RGB"
width: 384
height: 384

proc-block: "hotg-ai/proc-blocks#image-normalization"
- content_image
- type: f32
dimensions: [1, 384, 384, 3]

proc-block: "hotg-ai/proc-blocks#image-normalization"
- style
- type: f32
dimensions: [1, 256, 256, 3]

model: ./style_predict.tflite
- normalized_style_image
- type: f32
dimensions: [1, 1, 1, 100]

model: ./style_transform.tflite
- normalized_content_image
- style_vector
- type: f32
dimensions: [1, 384, 384, 3]

- style_transform

This is the data flow for the above Runefile.

The Style Transfer Rune takes the "style" from one image (e.g., a painting), derives a "style vector" for it, and tries to apply that style to another image.

Imagine having an app on your phone that lets you take a photo and see what it would look like a Van Gogh.

We have two ML models,

  1. Style Predict: It takes a stylish image as input and extracts style from that image as the style vector.
  2. Style Transform: It takes an image matrix and a styled vector as input and transforms the image matrix to apply that style to it.

We will start writing our Runefile by looking at the model information.

Run model-info command on the style_predict.tflite

rune model-info style_predict.tflite

We got this:

style_image: f32[1,256,256,3]
mobilenet_conv/Conv/BiasAdd: f32[1,1,1,100]

Let's figure out the steps for our data pipeline:

Looking at the input, we can say the model will take a 256 x 256 RGB (because the channel is 3) image as input. The input type is f32, but last time we saw that we could take u8 image as input. So, we will need a proc-bock that will convert u8 to f32 type. For this, we have [image_normalization][norm] proc-block. It will take the u8 image matrix and normalize their values to the range [0, 1] as f32. We have got all our nodes sorted out for style_predict model

Now, let's take a look at the style_transform model

rune model-info style_transform.tflite

We got:

content_image: f32[1,384,384,3]
mobilenet_conv/Conv/BiasAdd: f32[1,1,1,100]
transformer/expand/conv3/conv/Sigmoid: f32[1,384,384,3]

It will take a 384 x 384 RGB (because the channel is 3) image as input, along with an array of shape [1, 1, 1, 100]. The input type for image is f32 so we can use image_normalization proc-block to perform this transformation. Next, if we look at the configuration of the f32[1, 1, 1, 100] input array, it's the same as the output of the style_predict model. Perfect, now we have all our pieces in place. Let's start writing our Runefile.


We have two input sources in our Rune with capability: IMAGE. The first is for style_predict, and another one is for style_transform.

We will start by setting our first node name as the style and define capability to IMAGE to take an image as input to our rune for style_predict model. We will set the output type to u8 and dimensions to [1, 256, 256, 3]. Later, we will normalize it and convert it to f32 type. In args, we will set width, height and pixel-format: "@PixelFormat::RGB" because it's a RGB image. We see a new property in args with name source. Our Rune has two input sources, one for each model. We will have to give a number to our source to avoid confusion while running the inference. We will set source to 0 (zero-based indexing), which is our first source.

capability: IMAGE
- type: u8
dimensions: [1, 256, 256, 3]
source: 0
pixel-format: "@PixelFormat::RGB"
width: 256
height: 256

Similarly, we will create another capability node with the name content image for style_transform model. We will set all our properties as per our model information. The most important thing is to select source to 1, so this is our second input source.

capability: IMAGE
- type: u8
dimensions: [1, 384, 384, 3]
source: 1
pixel-format: "@PixelFormat::RGB"
width: 384
height: 384


As discussed earlier, we will need a proc-block that could transform our u8 type to f32 and normalize the image matrix in range [0, 1]. First step is giving our node a name so let's set it to normalized_style_image and set proc-block path to "hotg-ai/proc-blocks#image-normalization". Next, we will connect style node output to the input of this node and will define the output properties.

proc-block: "hotg-ai/proc-blocks#image-normalization"
- style
- type: f32
dimensions: [1, 256, 256, 3]

Similarly, we define proc-block for style_transform model:

proc-block: "hotg-ai/proc-blocks#image-normalization"
- content_image
- type: f32
dimensions: [1, 384, 384, 3]


Let's start with defining model properties for style_predict node. Set the name of this node to style_vector and give a path to the model file. Connect normalized_style_image node output to the input of this node and define output properties using model-info.

model: ./style_predict.tflite
- normalized_style_image
- type: f32
dimensions: [1, 1, 1, 100]

Now, it's time to write a node for style_transform model. Everything will be defined the same way as the above node, except it will take two inputs, one normalized_content_image and the second style_vector node in the same order. Below you can see the syntax to write a yaml when we have multiple inputs. We use similar syntax when we have multiple outputs.

model: ./style_transform.tflite
- normalized_content_image
- style_vector
- type: f32
dimensions: [1, 384, 384, 3]


This is the last stage of our pipeline. As usual, we will set out to SERIAL and connect the input of node to style_transform output

- style_transform

Build the Rune​

First, create an empty Runefile.yml and write the above code in the Runefile.

cd /workspace/tutorials/lessons/lesson-3
touch Runefile.yml

Ok, so you have written your Runefile.yml Let's now compile and test what you have so far.

Run the below command to build the rune

rune build Runefile.yml

It will create a lesson-3.rune for you.

Test your Rune and see the output you are getting. It will take two images as input. You will have to maintain the input order as defined by you as source in the capability node. Run the below command in the terminal.

rune run lesson-3.rune --image style.jpeg content.jpeg

You will get an image matrix as output. Now, you can use some external libraries to convert an image matrix to an image. You can also use external libraries to convert this matrix into an image. See a python example below:

rune run lesson-3.rune --image style.jpeg content.jpeg | python